
Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Altersarmut droht - Fast jeder Zweite geht in Frührente

Altersarmut droht - Fast jeder Zweite geht in FrührenteAltersarmut droht - Fast jeder Zweite geht in FrührenteMünchen (RPO). Immer mehr Beschäftigte in Deutschland gehen vorzeitig in den Ruhestand und nehmen dafür Einbußen bei ihren Altersbezügen in Kauf. ...Altersarmut droht - Fast jeder Zweite geht in Frührente

Such a great night. :) and screw you gertos.

Such a great night. :) and screw you gertos.Such a great night. :) and screw you gertos.Such a great night. :) and screw you gertos.

Season's Greetings!

Season's Greetings!We've had a lovely Christmas and are looking forward to New Year now. The weather's typically mild and rather unseasonal, so we thought you might enjoy seeing the crisp beauty of last year's -20 degree frosts. Happy New Year to all our ...Season's Greetings!

Un doigt de mystère se lève sur le yéti

Un doigt de mystère se lève sur le yétiDes éléments d'une main censée appartenir à un abominable homme des neiges et découverte au Népal ont subi un test ADN. Les résultats ont été rendus publics ...Un doigt de mystère se lève sur le yéti

Disney Holidays 2012 – A Twin Centre Approach to Florida

Disney Holidays 2012 – A Twin Centre Approach to FloridaFlorida is a fantastic location for twin centre holidays in the US. The climate alone should be enough to attract most Brits – being sub-tropical. Year round sun and great temperatures make this southern US state a fantastic holiday location, and ...Disney Holidays 2012 – A Twin Centre Approach to Florida

東電社長に公的管理の検討要請 経産相、値上げの動きけん制

東電社長に公的管理の検討要請 経産相、値上げの動きけん制東電社長に公的管理の検討要請 経産相、値上げの動きけん制枝野幸男経済産業相は27日、東京電力の西沢俊夫社長を経産省に呼び、東電が来年3月に策定する総合特別事業計画について「一時的な公的管理も含め、あらゆる可能性を ...東電社長に公的管理の検討要請 経産相、値上げの動きけん制

Golden Advice You Should Know Before You Take Feverfew ...

Golden Advice You Should Know Before You Take Feverfew ...Feverfew migraine treatment has been used as an alternative to the conventional migraine medicines for a long time. But is it applicable for everyone? As this is one typical natural migraine cure, we would like to provide some advice before ...Golden Advice You Should Know Before You Take Feverfew ...

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