
Friday, November 18, 2011

12月开始可网购普速特快车票 一人限购一票

12月开始可网购普速特快车票 一人限购一票 本报讯直达列车、特快列车尽管还没有纳入到实名制管理,但网上购票依然要遵守持证件并限购的规定。前日,铁道部发布《旅客列车互联网售票暂行办法》,其中规定,一张有效身份证件同一乘车日期同一车次只能购买一张车票 ... 12月开始可网购普速特快车票 一人限购一票


举联听证会上拒绝中方申诉 北京奥运会举重男子69公斤级冠军廖辉因兴奋剂问题被国际举联禁赛一事日前成为国内体坛焦点。目前廖辉与中国举重队已提出上诉。不过令廖辉费解的是,国际举联在听证会上拒绝中方申诉,其实,在今年6月和9月的时候,国际 ... 举联听证会上拒绝中方申诉

Tim Gudgin reads the football results for the final time

Tim Gudgin reads the football results for the final time There might not have been a 'Forfar 4', but there was an 'East Fife 5.' And an 11-0. All in all, quite a fitting way for Tim Gudgin to bow out after decades of reading sports results to the nation. Gudgin, who has been the sole reader ... Tim Gudgin reads the football results for the final time

Van Persie in mooi rijtje

Van Persie in mooi rijtje NORWICH - Met zijn treffer tegen Norwich City heeft Robin van Persie zich bij een illuster gezelschap gevoegd. De Rotterdammer in dienst van Arsenal bracht met de gelijkmaker (1-1) zijn 30e doelpunt van dit kalenderjaar in de boeken. ... Van Persie in mooi rijtje

Detectives reopen probe into Natalie Wood's death

Detectives reopen probe into Natalie Wood's death Natalie Wood, who drowned in 1981 while boating off the California coast, with co-star Warren Beatty in a scene from Splendour in the Grass (1961). The death of Natalie Wood, ... Detectives reopen probe into Natalie Wood's death

Protests Confront Egypt's Military Ahead Of Elections

Protests Confront Egypt's Military Ahead Of Elections by AP Tens of thousands of Islamists and young activists have massed in Tahrir Square, confronting Egypt's ruling military council with the largest crowd in months to protest the generals' attempt to give themselves special powers over a future elected ... Protests Confront Egypt's Military Ahead Of Elections

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